Premier Products
Time and labor management products and services supporting today’s small to medium businesses. TAKE A PRODUCT TOUR!

Introducing GEOFencing
Save time and effort figuring out if employees clock in and out at the right location.
Geofencing makes it plain to see if they did.
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Intelligent Clock Features*
TimeWorksPlus is “employee-aware” providing only the punch options relevant to an employee’s current state.
– Eliminate missed punches
– Track meals and breaks
– Transfer departments with job costing
– Prevent early punches with schedule enforcement

Swap Shifts With Ease
Filling holes in the schedule becomes much simpler with TimeSimplicity’s Virtual Trade Board. Instead of waiting for managers to circulate requests on their behalf, employees simply place requests on the online message board. Managers can quickly view, monitor and approve shift request changes online. Once a shift trade is approved, TimeSimplicity automatically notifies the appropriate employees.

Product Tour
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